In my research I started with core description logics. I created a SPARQL-DL evaluation engine inside the Pellet reasoner, and designed and initially implemented JOPA library for accessing OWL ontologies from Java. In my applied research activities I created (or led the development of) several ontologies in domains like relational datamining workflows, cultural heritage, aviation safety, and urban planning.
Profiles: SCOPUS, ORCID, Google Scholar, DBLP, Publons, ResearchGate
Selected publications:
- Ledvinka, M., & Křemen, P. (2020). A comparison of object-triple mapping libraries. Semantic Web, 11(3).
- Saeeda, L., Med, M., Ledvinka, M., Blaško M., & Křemen, P. (2020). Entity Linking and Lexico-Semantic Patterns for Ontology Learning. The Semantic Web 17th International Conference, ESWC 2020, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 31–June 4, 2020, Proceedings.
- Křemen, P., & Nečaský, M. (2019). Improving discoverability of Open Government Data with rich metadata descriptions using Semantic Government Vocabulary. Journal of Web Semantics, 55(0).
- Křemen, P., Kostov, B., Blako, M., Ahmad, J., Plos, V., Lališ, A., Stojić, S., & Vittek, P. (2017). Ontological foundations of european coordination centre for accident and incident reporting systems. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 14(5).
- Blaško, M., Cacciotti, R., Křemen, P., & Kouba, Z. (2012). Monument damage ontology. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Vol. 7616 LNCS.
- Křemen, P., & Kouba, Z. (2012). Ontology-driven information system design. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews, 42(3).
- Kremen, P., & Kostov, B. (2012). Expressive OWL Queries: Design, Evaluation, Visualization. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 8(4), 57–79.
- Žáková, M., Křemen, P., Železný, F., & Lavrač, N. (2011). Automating knowledge discovery workflow composition through ontology-based planning. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 8(2).
- Křemen, P., & Kouba, Z. (2011). Conjunctive query optimization in OWL2-DL. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Vol. 6861 LNCS (Number PART 2).
- Křemen, P., Šmíd, M., & Kouba, Z. (2011). OWLDiff: A practical tool for comparison and merge of owl ontologies. Proceedings - International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA, 229–233.
- Kremen, P., & Sirin, E. (2009). SPARQL-DL implementation experience. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 496.
- Křemen, P., & Kouba, Z. (2009). Incremental approach to error explanations in ontologies. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 221, 171–185.